Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Has it really been 2 years? Wow.. Time Sure does Fly!

"Ah yes, Aries!  The noble, the gallant, the warriors!  The first sign of the zodiac; the race horse that’s antsy to charge from the gate!  And charge they must! When you hear the bugles sound, jump out of the way and look around.  You’ll be sure to see an Aries at full speed.  However, respectfully hide your eyes when they turn around and find they’re the only ones running the race. Spare them the embarrassing humiliation when they realize everyone else is still back at the gate wondering why they shot off in such a hurry.  Always operating at high speed, with a very short attention span, an Aries is sure to have a plethora of projects started and a dozen more on the horizon but usually falls short on the completion end."

The above is ME to a T. Apparently, 2 years ago, I thought that keeping up a blog on my growing family would be easily done and convenient. As my impatient nature shows, I was obviously wrong! So.. so so very wrong!

 So.. recently when a friend of mine told me to start a blog about cooking.. and share my recipes with the world.. I said Sure! So, I came onto this site, and set up a new account.. only to find out that I already had an account! 

So..I will go ahead and fill you in on all of the ongoings on in our lives in the past two years.. and then I'll get to the recipes. My goal is to post a new recipe each day, or what I am making for dinner that day.

Since I last blogged,

Jaxson is now 3 and Kyle is 2.
Jaxson started preschool this year, he goes every day for 3 hours and rides the bus all on his own!
Kyle goes to the Mom and Tot class on Friday mornings. We are in the middle of Potty Training. My heard goes out to all of you who have toddlers in the middle of potty training.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year, a new addition to the family!

Hi Everyone,

Sorry its been so long since I have written. Kyle was born on November 13, 2009 (Friday the 13th!) at 6:53pm. He wasw 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20.25 inches long. He's so beautiful. He has been a really good baby so far. He started sleeping through the night two weeks ago! That has made it really nice for us! He loves to smile and coo and looks at everyone.

Jaxson loves his little brother! He's always wanting to touch him! Jaxson had his first birthday on November 10th. We had a Bob the Builder party for him on the 8th. Everyone came and had fun! He smashed his face full of cake!!

Christmas was wonderful this year.. Jaxson had fun opening the presents, although I think that he enjoyed the wrapping paper more than the gifts itself!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bigger and Better!

J.R. is into everything! He's on all fours and crusing!! He's standing up on his own, but not walking.

Kyle is still cooking.. which is good! I am almost 36 weeks, so that is very good for a healthy baby!! We went to the cider mill last weekend and had a really fun time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What a Night

Well.. about 6pm last night, I started having contractions.. pretty severely. OB sent me to the ER. I'm almost 30 weeks.. so 7 and a half months.. still a little too early to be in labor! Anyway, I am dialated to 1.. and they were able to stop the contractions. After two huge bags of saline, and some antibiotics for a bladder infection.. I was discharged home. We got home around 10:30 last night. Today I am just exhausted.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just Bust a Move!

Everyone is Moving!

J.R. is officially on the move! He's into everything and must be watched at all times! He's doing this new "wounded solider" crawl.  He isn't on all fours yet.. but he is doing the army crawl.. but he only uses one leg.. its pretty funny. 

We are SOOO close to the move in of our house. We put the first coat of poly on the floors yesterday, and finished with a second coat this morning! We just have to wait for that to dry, put the outlet covers on, and move everything in! Its been a long two months staying at my parents... its been helpful and very convenient.. but its time to have our own space! I am very excited!

Kyle News: He is one little soccer player.  He kicks and punchs all the time now. He's really fiesty. I am not due until the middle of November, but I have a feeling that he will come at the end of October.. maybe even sooner.  Its just a feeling that I have.

Ankle News: I have not been wearing my boot like I should. Today I went to the orthopedic doctor and was yelled at. I got fitted into a new brace and was threatened with surgery if I didn't wear it regularly.  Grrrr....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just another day in Paradise..

This is my husband's favorite saying, "Another day in Paradise".  That and "it is what it is".   The end of August and into September has not been the best to us.. it seems that every day brings a new challenge.  I know, that's life. Last Monday, the 24th, on our wedding anniversary, I broke my ankle. Yesterday, Tuesday the 1st of September, I got a call from the college that Jack got a ball to the face.  I took him to the ER and he had to get 10 stitches.  What else can happen?

In the meantime, Jaxson has been just a little love-bug.  He is the sweetest and best baby that I have ever met. He's definitely my pride and joy.  He thinks that I am the God of all Gods.. I hope he always thinks like this.  He can play with his bus and jump in his jumpy and just smile and laugh all day.  To him, his life is perfect.  I wish I thought like a baby.. that everyone and everything was perfect and that the world was my own little paradise.  He played with his GG yesterday, (Great-Grandma).  He lights up when he sees her and they have so much fun together.  She gives him pots and pans to pound on and that just makes his day.

Well.. breakfast just finished, the Backyardigans are on, and I am going to enjoy my little sliver of paradise with my son.

Monday, August 31, 2009

New Baby has the hiccups!

Went to the OB today.. 28 week checkup.. the new baby has the hiccups!!  Jaxson spent the day with his GG.. (Great Grandma) they had lots of fun together.  Tomorrow.. we get to spend the day with Nana (my BF Elizabeth) and her kids! Then.. On Wednesday.. we get a play date with Max! We are busy this week!!